Kids Karaoke, a multilingual sing along karaoke app for little ones as well as grown ups who want to learn nursery rhymes in their own, or perhaps in several other, languages. Sing along with, and learn the words of, the most internationally known nursery rhymes out there, switch languages or just have fun together with the little ones singing and following the lyrics of the songs. All nursery rhymes are internationally known children songs easy to learn and pick up the words from. Have fun and learn these timeless nursery rhymes through this app.
Song list, available nursery rhymes:
The Incy Wincy Spider (Itsy Bitsy Spider/Eensy Weensy Spider)
Are you sleeping?
Twinkle twinkle little star
Old MacDonald had a farm
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Green, green, green
Head, shoulders, knees & toes
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
Ten little indians
The above nursery rhymes available in the following languages:
If your missing something or some of the nursery rhymes are incorrect (in your opinion) let me know, send me an email!
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twinkle twinkle, old macdonald, twinkle twinkle little star, old macdonald had a farm, the wheels on the bus, are you sleeping?, the wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, incy wincy spider, eensy weensy spider, sing sing, multilingual, bilingual, nursery rhyme, nursery rhymes, sing along, karaoke, kids songs, songs for kids, toddler music, children songs, kids karaoke, kids jukebox, toddler sing along, children karaoke, nursery rhymes lyrics, learn nursery rhymes, baby songs, song lyrics, baby sing along, nursery ryhmes, nursery rymes, sing together, songs for little ones, kids songs, baby sing along, learn songs, learn to sing, sing sing together, toddler music.